$12 for 12 Months or $20 for 2 Years
A few quick questions to register and we will then email you a Membership Email.
You can join as an individual or attached to your GROUP (if it is listed on the electronic form below)
Benefits of Membership?
When you register you will be able to use all of our member services for car buying, selling and finance for FREE.
You will be able to apply for MY LYFESTYLE REWARDS for FREE!
You will receive a brief monthly newsletter and MY LYFESTYLE REWARDS offers (Optional)
If you are one of our organisational or group members?
Because you join as a member of one of our registered organisations or groups, we can serve you even better because we have done a lot of work to win your group bigger discounts and more advantages.
You don't have to register under your organisation but we advise it if you find your organisation in the dropbox.
When you register we do not give your details to any other organisation. Read our Privacy Policy (link on Home page). Your information is treated with the greatest care and confidence and we take great care to make our resources secure.